Saturday, December 7, 2013

Management and Leadership

There are many ways to be a great leader. The following list is what can cause the downfall of a potentially great leader (taken straight from class notes from my management class). This is from an organizational standpoint. I think as an everyday person you can get by even if you are all of these things. But if you're trying to accomplish something with a group of people, and it's just not working, it might be them...but chances are it might also be you.

What can cause the downfall of a leader?
  • ·         Stubbornness and unwillingness to change
  • ·         Control freak, trust issues
  • ·         Inconsistency
  • ·         Being overly idealistic


  1. A bunny leaves you a note:

    "Being stubborn isn't always bad. If you're stubborn about good things, then won't good result?"

    1. Mr. bunny, you're absolutely right, which is why it's a potential cause, especially in combination with the three characteristics following it. But perseverance and consistency are two I guess good types of stubbornness =)

  2. I actually see management and leadership as two separate but complementary skill sets -- there's an old HBR article by John Kotter that sums it up really well:

    Basically, management is about dealing with complexity (how to reach a goal most efficiently), whereas leadership is about dealing with change (how to align people towards a common goal). These days, people tend to be too much of the former and not enough of the latter, but good leadership without good management is also a recipe for disaster.

    1. Yes! Thank you for the comment Mr. Shih =)
