Saturday, November 9, 2013

Things that smell bad

Things that smell bad. Or not just bad, horrendous.
  • Some women's perfume, especially those that smell like the department stores (why does it always smell like that when I get on the bus!?)
  • Weed (I have no judgments about its effects, but it smells so bad I want to punch someone)
  • Urine - I smell this on the sidewalk in NYC every day
  • Rotten urine - if I am unlucky, I will come across a bathroom that hasn't been cleaned in a while
  • Durian/rotten milk/gasoline - all have a very similar smell to me


  1. A Bunny stops by. He leaves you a note. Curiously, it is blank, but upon further inspection you catch the scent of rabbit cologne. It smells a bit like baby powder.

    1. Excellent. I like the smell of baby powder.
