Sunday, November 3, 2013


Why explore?

There are some of us who like to travel without a plan, or with barely a plan. The times that I have traveled by my own accord, I usually take this route.

Doing so has helped me learn some essential lessons. While it's hard to truly realize these lessons unless you've internalized them through experience, here are some things that some fellow explorers I've met and I can agree upon:

  • Culture is not a wall, it is a puzzle. If you make enough effort to understand each other, you can come out that much stronger.
  • One should not be afraid of the unexpected. Things happen, but that is what makes your story yours.
  • The world is not and absolutely should not be handed to you on a silver platter. When you're in a new place, it is your responsibility to try to make it work.


  1. A bunny stops by. He looks confused, as if he did not plan on ending up here. He hastily scribbles a note... then crumples it up and throws it away. He finds a comfortable spot to lay down for a bit.

    1. You alright there, Mr. Bunny? You are most welcome here if you want to stay.
